
The children thought that the Seashore Safari was their best trip ever! High praise indeed. Thank you so much for your energy, time and expertise.

Imelda Burke

Teacher at Scoil Mhuire Réalt na Mara, Brittas Bay, Co Wicklow.

This programme was so engaging and interesting for the children (and for me!). Mona taught us all so much about the ocean and in particular about squids. Hearing children say 'I want to be a marine biologist!' during the visits was as high a praise I could give this programme, it has inspired the children to learn more about the oceans and has fostered a deeper respect for it also.

Laura McWatt

Teacher at Scoil na Coróine Mhuire, Co Wicklow.

Mona has such passion for what she does that it was infectious not just to the children but the teachers too. She was very well prepared and organised and has a fantastic way of explaining the information to the children. Every session was hugely engaging and Mona went out of her way to assist the children with the presentation. We will definitely be taking part in her workshops again in the future.

Our school is beside the beach that we often visit. Mona showed us all the species that are in front of us all the time. This is something we can easily carry forward ourselves. Amazing course, very well delivered!!!! Both kids and teachers were enthralled.

Aoife Cartwright

Teacher at St Mary's Boys NS, Co Dublin.

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